Dental Veneers can Give You the Smooth, White Smile You’ve Always Wanted

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Small chips on the teeth and deep staining issues can leave you feeling self-conscious about your smile. Dental veneers are one of the more popular ways to give you the smooth, white smile you’ve always wanted.

Dental veneers are essentially just thin porcelain shells, custom made in a dental laboratory to fit over the faces of the teeth in your smile. The porcelain material can be color matched to any shade you desire, thus giving you back a youthful, blemish free smile.

Being fitted for veneers takes two separate appointments. At the first appointment the dentist will inspect your teeth and take a few X-rays, to make sure they healthy and have strong enough enamel to safely anchor the veneers.

Your dentist will then create an impression of the teeth in your smile. This information is sent to a dental lab, that produces your custom dental veneers.

At the second appointment your dentist will carefully remove a small amount of enamel from the face of each of the teeth in your smile. This creates enough texture to allow the cement to anchor the veneers in place. With proper care and maintenance your veneers can provide you with an appealing bright white smile for many years to come.

If you are interested in being fitted for dental veneers, please feel free to call us at 859.278.9391 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to helping you craft the smile you’ve always wanted!