When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »
Many patients wish they could enhance the color of their smiles in time to take family photos or attend an important occasion, and our dentist and team at All Stahr Dental PSC are happy to offer in-office teeth whitening treatment to help them! If you are considering professional teeth whitening to improve yellowing and tooth stains, we invite you to... read more »
We all have busy lives that often results in letting some things slide. Unfortunately, many people let dental checkups slip, resulting in negative long-term effects that become painful to them and damaging to their wallet. That is why having your dental checkup regularly can keep your smile healthy and in the best shape possible throughout your life. Our dentist, Dr.... read more »
There is no need to live with severe tooth pain such as a toothache or tooth sensitivity. If you have tooth sensitivity, it’s important to understand the cause and your potential treatment options. The causes of tooth sensitivity include cavities, fractured tooth enamel, old dental fillings, or exposed tooth root and gum disease. You teeth have a tooth enamel layer... read more »
What is a cavity, really? The word “cavity” refers to a hole or space found somewhere on the human body, and in this case, it refers to a hole in a tooth. But, cavities aren’t just empty, hollow holes in your teeth. In fact, the hole is actually tooth decay, which, when left unchecked, forms a cavity. Because cavities are... read more »
Halitosis is commonly referred to as bad breath, and is an oral condition that can arise as a result of harmful bacteria emitting foul odors. If you struggle with bad breath and it’s affecting your self-esteem and relationships, our dentist and team are here to help. We can suggest additional effective oral hygiene habits to reduce and even eliminate your... read more »
With the rapid approach of the holidays, we urge you to keep your oral health in mind. Take care to make sure that you’re practicing effective oral hygiene techniques and visiting your dentist at regular intervals. If you struggle with aspects of your smile that you can’t control, you may want to consider cosmetic dental treatment such as a dental... read more »
Have you ever wondered when and where toothbrushes were invented? Toothbrushes have an interesting history that goes back thousands of years. Dr. Gregory Stahr and our team are happy to share some toothbrush facts with you. Around 3500 BC, the Egyptians and Babylonians used a twig with a frayed end to clean their teeth. These toothsticks have been found in... read more »
Sometimes the flossing technique required in your oral hygiene routine can seem a bit complicated. This is often due to not quite knowing how to clean your smile or why you need to floss. If you have questions about flossing, it can result in an improper flossing routine, which won’t help your smile. So, to help you find the answers... read more »
You take care of brushing and flossing every day--but do you take care of your toothbrush? Your brushing will only be effective if you have effective tools. Here are some tips for taking care of your toothbrush. First, make sure your toothbrush is only used for your own teeth. Sharing toothbrushes is damaging to your oral health, as it spreads... read more »