Gum Disease: Common Myths

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Gum disease, which is also referred to as periodontal disease, is an infection that attacks the gums and bone that surround and support the teeth. If left untreated, this disease can cause tooth loss. Contact All Stahr Dental PSC today if you notice any of the following symptoms:

– Gums that bleed easily
– Red, sore, or swollen gums
– Bad breath that won’t go away
– Deep pockets between the teeth and gums
– Loose or drifting teeth
– A change in your bite

There are several misconceptions and myths surrounding gum disease. Let us address a few of these myths and reveal the truth.

Myth #1: Gum disease is not common.
Gum disease is actually very common. In fact, studies show that half of adults age 30 and older have gum disease.

Myth #2: If I don’t have cavities, I cannot have gum disease.
Being cavity-free doesn’t mean that you do not have gum disease. Gum disease is usually painless, so you may not know that you have it. If your gums bleed easily or are enflamed, you may have gingivitis, which is the earliest form of gum disease.

Myth #3: Gingivitis during pregnancy is normal.
Even though some women develop “pregnancy gingivitis,” not everyone has this. You can prevent gingivitis during pregnancy by taking extra care during your oral hygiene routine. Drs. Smith, Stahr, and Smith may recommend extra dental cleanings to prevent gingivitis.

Myth #4: If I have gum disease, I will lose my teeth.
If you practice good oral hygiene, you likely will not lose any teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss once a day, eat healthy foods, and visit our dentists regularly. Our dentists can recommend a treatment plan to help you keep gum disease under control.

Myth #5: Bad breath means I have gum disease.
Persistent bad breath can indicate that you have gum disease. However, bad breath can also mean that you have other issues, like dry mouth, tooth decay, or a medical issue. Visit our dental office to learn the cause of your bad breath.

Contact our dental office today to learn about treatments for gum disease in Lexington, Kentucky, and to schedule your next visit.